We created our Loyalty App so that you could get something extra every time you visit us. Use it to earn rewards Beans on your purchases, order online for collection, send generous vouchers to friends and family, buy our new Coffee Subscription to enjoy more and more coffee for less, and even get a complimentary slice of freshly baked cake on your birthday!
You can purchase your Coffee Subscription exclusively via our Loyalty App.
Open the Loyalty App & click on the Subscription Tab to choose between the subscription options available.
Plus, you’ll instantly earn rewards Beans with your purchase, which you can use to settle the bill next time you visit your local M&B.
Wake up to a fresh cup of Mugg & Bean coffee every morning, without even leaving the house. We have five generous blends for you to choose from, including our famous House Blend and Mocca Java Blend.
If you think our coffee is simply the best, you’re not alone. We were recognised as the Best Fresh Coffee in the Ask Afrika Icon Brands™ survey for 2022/3, so go on and fill up your pantry with our award-winning beans.